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How to Generate a Support Bundle

1. Find the “” Script

  • Login to Hyperscale VM for which you want to generate the support bundle.
  •” file is bundled with release tar file. You can find this script under tools/support-scripts folder, (present under the directory, where you will untar the release tar file on Hyperscale Engine). For example, /path_to_untarred_hyperscale_product/tools/support-scripts.


    dlpxuser@delphix:~/test$ cd tools/support-scripts/
    dlpxuser@delphix:~/test$ ls -ltr
    total 48
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 delphix  staff   823 Jul  7 09:55
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 delphix  staff   463 Jul  7 09:55
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 delphix  staff  5597 Jul  7 09:55
    -rw-r--r--  1 delphix  staff  5316 Jul  7 09:55

2. Modify the “” Script Parameters

Change the container_names, mount_path and docker_compose_file_path accordingly. The container_names should be in the same order as mentioned in the below example.


container_names=(hyperscale-masking-controller-service_1  hyperscale-masking_unload-service_1 hyperscale-masking_masking-service_1 hyperscale-masking_load-service_1)


  • container_names: Can be found by running docker ps command
  • mount_path: Absolute path configured for mount directory in docker-compose file which is mapped to /etc/hyperscale
  • docker_compose_file_path: Absolute path for docker_compose.yaml file

3. Execute the “” Script

  • Execute the “” script from tools/support-scripts/ folder.


    dlpxuser@delphix:~/test/tools/support-scripts/$ ./
    Generating support bundle tar file...

  • Enter the “Password” when prompted.

4. Find the Generated Support Bundle Tar File

The resulting support bundle will be located at /etc/hyperscale/hyperscale-support-****.tar.gz inside the container. This means tar file is generated under path which is mapped to /etc/hyperscale in docker-compose file and is directly accessible from Hyperscale VM.


dlpxuser@delphix:~/test$ ls -ltr ../hyperscale/
total 316
drwxrwxrwx 5  1004  1005   4096 Feb  9 10:14 aks-mount
-rw-r--r-- 1 65436 staff 104189 Feb 17 08:52 hyperscale-support-<current_timestamp>.tar.gz

Support bundle tar file contains the following information:

  • Hyperscale Logs
  • The output of mpstat for CPU utilization info.
  • The output of proc/meminfo for memory info.
  • The output of proc/cpuinfo for cpu info.
  • Files to show the memory limit for the application container and the max usage of the app container in bytes.
  • Redacted database file to restore the Hyperscale VM
  • Docker compose file


  • The script is used to generate a bare bones support bundle from a Hyperscale engine running in docker.
  • Execute the from the untar location.
  • The resulting support bundle will be located at /etc/hyperscale/hyperscale-support-****.tar.gz inside the container. This means tar file is generated under path which is mapped to /etc/hyperscale in docker-compose file and is directly accessible from Hyperscale VM.
  • The user should have privileges or permission to execute docker command in order to generate the support bundle.