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Configuration Settings


Possible values of Configuration Settings having Type “Log Level” are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or OFF.

The following table lists the Hyperscale Compliance properties with their default values.

Group Property name Type Description Default value
Controller Service API_KEY_CREATE Boolean This property is by default uncommented to have the container create a new API key and print it in the logs when starting. Since the value is in the logs, this API key should only be used to bootstrap the creation of other - more secure - API keys and be discarded.
Comment it once bootstrap key is available.
load.service.requirePostLoad Boolean Set if the Post Load step needs to be executed. true
source.key.field.names String Dataset configuration. These fields/columns are used to uniquely identify source data. schema_name,table_name
execution.status.poll.duration Milli-seconds Time duration in which execution status is collected from different services 120000
logging.level.root Log Level Logging configuration. This spring boot configuration controls the logging of all the packages/libraries getting used in application. NOTE: Increasing this Log Level will produce too many logs. It is recommended to keep this log level to WARN or below. WARN Log Level This configuration controls the logging level of Hyperscale specific packages. This log level can be increased if Hyperscale service specific actions needs to be monitored closely. NOTE: It is recommended to keep this log level to INFO. Increasing the log level can impact application’s performance. INFO
logging.file.name1 String Log file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/hyperscale-controller.log
logging.pattern.file String Logging pattern for file %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.console String Logging pattern for console %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.rolling-file-name1 String Archived file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/archived/hyperscale-controller-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log
logging.file.max-size File Size (String) Max individual file size 5MB
logging.file.max-history Number of Days History in days (i.e. keep 15 days’ worth of history capped at 5GB total size) 15 File Size (String) Max limit the combined size of log archives 5GB
Log Level This configuration controls the logging information of the HTTP requests received by Hyperscale. This is by default set to DEBUG level for logging request URIs of the Incoming Requests. DEBUG
api.version.compatibility.strict.check Boolean These properties are used to check the version compatibility. Setting this as true will enable strict comparison of API versions of different services. In strict comparison, the complete version i.e x.y.z is compared while in other case when this property is set to false, only major version(x out of x.y.z) of APIs will be compared. true
api.version.compatibility.retry.count Number These properties are used to check the version compatibility. Number of times to retry the comparison if the services are not compatible. 3
api.version.compatibility.retry.wait.time Time in milli-seconds These properties are used to check the version compatibility. Time to wait before next retry if the services are not compatible. 10000
Unload Service unload.fetch.rows Number Number of rows to be fetched from the database at a time. 10000
logging.level.root Log Level This spring boot configuration controls the logging of all the packages/libraries getting used in application. NOTE: Increasing this Log Level will produce too many logs. It is recommended to keep this log level to WARN or below. WARN Log Level This configuration controls the logging level of Hyperscale specific packages. This log level can be increased if Hyperscale service specific actions needs to be monitored closely. NOTE: It is recommended to keep this log level to INFO. Increasing the log level can impact application’s performance. INFO
logging.file.name1 String Log file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/hyperscale-unload.log
logging.pattern.file String Logging pattern for file %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.console String Logging pattern for console %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.rolling-file-name1 String Archived file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/archived/hyperscale-unload-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log
logging.file.max-size File Size in String Max individual file size 5MB
logging.file.max-history Number of Days History in days (i.e. keep 15 days’ worth of history capped at 5GB total size) 15 File Size in String Max limit the combined size of log archives 5GB
Log Level This configuration controls the logging information of the HTTP requests received by Hyperscale. This is by default set to DEBUG level for logging request URIs of the Incoming Requests. DEBUG
Masking Service logging.level.root Log Level This spring boot configuration controls the logging of all the packages/libraries getting used in application. NOTE: Increasing this Log Level will produce too many logs. It is recommended to keep this log level to WARN or below. WARN Log Level This configuration controls the logging level of Hyperscale specific packages. This log level can be increased if Hyperscale service specific actions needs to be monitored closely. NOTE: It is recommended to keep this log level to INFO. Increasing the log level can impact application’s performance. INFO
logging.file.name1 String Log file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/hyperscale.log
logging.pattern.file String Logging pattern for file %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.console String Logging pattern for console %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.rolling-file-name1 String Archived file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/archived/hyperscale-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log
logging.file.max-size File Size in String Max individual file size 5MB
logging.file.max-history Number of Days History in days (i.e. keep 15 days’ worth of history capped at 5GB total size) 15 File Size in String Max limit the combined size of log archives 5GB
Log Level This configuration controls the logging information of the HTTP requests received by Hyperscale. This is by default set to DEBUG level for logging request URIs of the Incoming Requests DEBUG
remove.splitted.masked.files Boolean Flag to indicate retaining or removing staging splitted masked files.
This is only applicable when merging of files is done post Masking and before Loading into the target data source.
monitor.initial.delay Time(in seconds) Time to delay the first monitoring call to Masking Engines.
This is related to Monitoring of Masking Engine Jobs.
monitor.poll.duration Time(in seconds) Polling period between subsequent monitoring calls to Masking Engines.
This is related to Monitoring of Masking Engine Jobs.
scheduler.poll.duration Time(in seconds) Rate at which scheduler polls for available data to schedule load balancing. Configured in seconds. 60
intelligent.loadbalance.enabled Boolean Set this to false if need to enable round robin load balancing in place of intelligent load balancing. true
job.monitor.pool.corePoolSize Number Job monitor thread pool related configuration
Number of core threads.
This is related to Monitoring of Masking Engine Jobs.
job.monitor.pool.maxPoolSize Number Job monitor thread pool related configuration
Maximum number of threads in thread pool.
This is related to Monitoring of Masking Engine Jobs.
job.monitor.pool.keepAliveSeconds Time in seconds Job monitor thread pool related configuration
Maximum idle time of threads.
This is related to Monitoring of Masking Engine Jobs.
job.monitor.pool.queueCapacity Number Job monitor thread pool related configuration
Maximum queue capacity.
This is related to Monitoring ofMasking Engine Jobs.
Load Service sqlldr-success-message String Message printed by sqlldr on successful loading of data. ‘successfully loaded.’
logging.level.root Log Level This spring boot configuration controls the logging of all the packages/libraries getting used in application. NOTE: Increasing this Log Level will produce too many logs. It is recommended to keep this log level to WARN or below. WARN Log Level This configuration controls the logging level of the Masking Driver Support package. This Log Level can be increased when Driver Support Steps of Load Process need to be monitored closely. INFO Log Level This configuration controls the logging level of Hyperscale specific packages. This log level can be increased if Hyperscale service specific actions needs to be monitored closely. NOTE: It is recommended to keep this log level to INFO. Increasing the log level can impact application’s performance. INFO
logging.file.name1 String Log file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/hyperscale-load.log
logging.pattern.file String Logging pattern for file %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.console String Logging pattern for console %d{dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS} \[%thread\] %-5level %logger{36}.%M - %msg%n
logging.pattern.rolling-file-name1 String Archived file location & name /opt/delphix/logs/archived/hyperscale-load-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log
logging.file.max-size File Size in String Max individual file size 5MB
logging.file.max-history Number of Days History in days (i.e. keep 15 days’ worth of history capped at 5GB total size) 15 File Size in String Max limit the combined size of log archives 5GB
Log Level This configuration controls the logging information of the HTTP requests received by Hyperscale. This is by default set to DEBUG level for logging request URIs of the Incoming Requests. DEBUG
sqlldr.blob.clob.char.length Number SQLLDR properties 20000


    • For each service, the file path(absolute) configured for and for logging.pattern.rolling-file-name has to be the same. This path is a path inside the respective container.
    • For each service, if the log files(configured through and logging.pattern.rolling-file-name) need to be accessed outside the container, respective log path has to be mounted by adding volume binding of that path in docker-compose.yaml for that service.